Civil Service
The Pharr Police Department is a civil service department which means to be considered for employment as a police officer you must first meet these standardized requirements listed below.
- Be a United States Citizen by birth or naturalization
- Possession of valid (Texas) driver’s license
- Be eligible for licensing by the Texas Commission of Law Enforcement
- At least 21 years of age and not have reached their 45th birthday
- Be proficient in reading and writing the English language
- Must meet all physical agility requirements with a 40% passing rate; however standard passing rate once a police officer will be 60% passing rate
Eligible applicants must meet the following conditions:
- Must not have been convicted for any offense of class B or class A.
- No conviction of any family violence offense.
- Must have not been convicted of felony offense.
- Applicants that have been arrested on felony charges and not convicted may not be considered.
- Applicants that have two or more separate moving traffic violations in their driving record (prior two years) may be disqualified.
- Bi-lingual applicants (English and Spanish) will be given special preference
To find out when the next Civil Service Exam is please call 956-402-4000 or visit: http://pharr-tx.gov/civil-service/